Kampong Phluk Floating village

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One of the famous floating villages of Tonlé Sap that must-see attraction in Siem Reap for those in search of an authentic experience in rural Cambodia. Also known as “Harbor of the Tusks”, Kampong Phluk is just 30 km from Siem Reap. Kompong Phluk village offers a special opportunity to experience the wonder of a floating village with its rich culture and serene surroundings. The people of this community mainly earn their living by catching fish on the river but during the dry season, they also harvest some land crops. The fishing community is very well known for its fish and shrimp-catching skills. This might sound very absurd but the village community here rears crocodiles in large numbers. To explore a little more, hop onto the small boats that will take you through mangroves and flooded forests for a more realistic experience. There are not many activities for tourists to do in Kampong Phluk as it is a working village and the people are engrossed in their daily routines and industry. However, you can walk past their houses in a non-invasive manner and take a look into different ways of living.