From Siem Reap, departure with your driver for Banteay Chhmar

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  • From Siem Reap, departure with your driver for Banteay Chhmar

Departure with your driver for Banteay Chhmar (162km / approximately 2h30 journey). The gigantic temple of Banteay Chhmar, its satellite sanctuaries, and its baray, constitute one of the most important and yet little-known archaeological sites of the Angkorian period. Half engulfed by vegetation and weathered by the centuries, it reveals itself in its most raw beauty: its bas-reliefs and monumental sculptures have nothing to envy of those of the most famous Khmer sanctuaries.

The inhabitants of the village which adjoins the temple, mainly rice farmers, are much attached to it more than a heritage treasure, it is for them a sacred site and a place of meditation. After visiting the Banteay Chmar temple, lunch at the community restaurant before visiting the silk center run by the NGO Soieries du Mékong. The center is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weekends by appointment only. Around 15h00, drive back to Siem Reap town.
